Giddings, Schneider, M. Speer and Sullivan Families
Alan Anderson, Compiler

              this place, was brought before the Provost Marshal
              on Thursday last (Sept. 16th), for shooting a Fed-
              eral soldier, by the name of FISHER.  It appears 
              from the evidence that FISHER entered the Vineyard
              of SULLIVAN, for the purpose of getting grapes; and
              whilst there, he was shot.  The gun was loaded with
              bird shot, a number of which entered different 
              parts of the body of FISHER, inflicting several
              slight wounds, none of which, however, are very 
              serious.  This unfortunate occurrence is deeply re-
              gretted by our entire community.  Col. SULLIVAN was
              sent to Macon yesterday morning, to be tried before
              a Court Marshal (sic)."

Nov. 18,1865  "THE CASE OF COL. T.C. SULLIVAN - ...sentenced to 
              pay a fine of five hundred dollars or five years 
              imprisonment at the capitol prison in Washington
              city.  We appeal to the citizens of Sumter to raise
              the fine and thus restore him to the bosom of his
              helpless children.  He is too poor to raise it him-
              self.  Here is the opportunity for Sumter to show
              her gratitude towards a truly inoffensive and ven-
              erable citizen...Any one wishing to contribute for
              this purpose, can do so, by leaving their contribu-
              tion at this office ("Sumter Republican"), or hand-
              ing the same to Col. A.S. CUTTS."

Nov. 21,1865  "A CARD - The undersigned takes this method of ex-
              pressing his deep gratitude to the citizens of Am-
              ericus and vicinity, for their kindness to him in
              the trying ordeal thro' which he has just passed.
              Their sympathy, so practically exhibited, has pla-
              ced him under obligations as lasting as life; and
              from which he would not, if he could ever, divest
              himself, but on the contrary, he will cherish them
              as the most pleasing reminiscences of a long and
              not altogether, uneventful life.  T.C. SULLIVAN."

Aug. 15,1873  "We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. John 
              E. Sullivan, of this city.  She died on Wednesday
              morning, the 12th.  Mrs. Sullivan was a very esti-
              mable lady, and will be sadly missed among her 
              large circle of friends..."

July 24,1885  "After Thirty Years - Mr. Moses Speer, after atten-
              ding the State Sunday School Convention will visit
              his old home on the line of Troup and Heard coun-
              ties, near the banks of the historic Chattahoochee.
              He will be accompanied by his daughter, Miss May,
              who is now on a visit to Macon.  Mr. Speer has not
              seen his old home in thirty-nine years.  His bro-
              ther, Ordinary A.C. Speer, will leave Americus in
              time to go over land and meet them upon their arri-
              val there..."

Aug.  7,1885  "Back to the Old Home - Major Moses Speer and Judge
              Amos Speer have recently returned from an extended
              tour through Middle and North Georgia.  On the 
              route they visited their old home at Liberty Hill.
              The Major had not visited the spot in thirty years,
              but Judge Speer was there eleven years ago..."

Feb. 25,1888  "...Maj. Speer and Rev. J.O. Branch were returning
              to the city...when near Mr. Mitchell's mill pond
              (McGarrah St.), on Cotton Avenue, an engine on the
              Central road was backing down to the depot, cross-
              ing Cotton Avenue.  As they neared the bridge in 
              front of the mill house, the horse became frighten-
              ed and shied from one side of the dam to the other,
              trying to jump over the railing.  After crossing, 
              the horse became more frightened and Rev. Mr. 
              Branch got out of the buggy and took hold of the 
              bridle; about this time the train came back up the
              track and made a terrible noise...The horse drew 
              Mr. Branch along with him up to the track, rearing
              and pitching...Mr. Branch turned loose the bridle
              and Maj. Speer pulled the horse up the track...the
              animal reared up and turned the hind wheels of the
              buggy to the train...and jammed them in between two
              car boxes...Maj. Speer thrown to the ground very 
              near the car wheels, and the buggy crushed under 
              him, and horse carried over him with his heels in 
              the air...The horse was carried thirty feet...Rev.
              Mr. Branch and Maj. Speer were terribly frightened,
              and the Major barely escaped with his life."
Nov. 16,1888  "A Happy Marriage - At the residence of the bride's
              mother, Mrs. J.A. Daniel, at 8 o'clock P.M., MR. 
              C.F. GIDDINGS, and MISS NANNIE SUE DANIEL, both of
              this city, were united in marriage last night, Rev.
              A.B. Campbell, officiating...Miss Nannie Sue is an
              accompllshed young lady, loved and admired by all
              who know her, while Mr. Giddings is one of the best
              boys that ever pulled type metal.  He has been 
              foreman of the RECORDER composing rooms for more 
              than four years..."

Jan. 17,1889  "A Good Fall - One night last week Mr. Jimmie God-
              win, who is clerking in the city and lives out in
              East Americus, was going home leading a Texas pony.
              He met with Mr. Chas. Giddings, foreman of the RE-
              CORDER, who was going the same way.  Mr. Giddings
              proposed to ride the pony.  There was no objection
              because Mr. Godwin wanted him broke in.  Mr. Gid-
              dings rode down by the court house and jail very 
              well, but at the hill just below the jail, the pony
              commenced "bucking", and finally threw Mr. Giddings
              clear out of his overcoat and shoes, which he found
              next morning.  He don't need any Texas pony in his,
              he is willing to walk home."

July  8,1890  letter signed "Delegate", written by Maj. Moses 
              Speer, described trip to Pittsburgh, Pa., for In-
              ternational Sunday School Convention

Oct. 11,1891  M. Speer's letter, "The Moss Back", re opposition 
              to electric street railway

Feb. 23,1892  "Gone to Washington - Charles F. Giddings, a popu-
              lar typo in THE TIMES-RECORDER office, left yester-
              day for Washington to accept a position in the gov-
              ernment printing office secured for him by Speaker
              Crisp.  Charlie is a nonpareil.  Thoroughly compe-
              tent as a printer, he is thoroughly reliable as a
              man.  He is bound to get on well at the national
              capital.  His many friends wish for him the success
              he deserves in his new field of labor."

Dec.  3,1897  "THIS ASSAULT AN OUTRAGE - A Little Boy Stabbed by
              an Angry Negro Girl - One of the most unprovoked 
              and outrageous assaults ever committed here was 
              that of a negro girl, Sadie Payne, upon the little
              10-year-old son of Mr. Charles L. Ansley yesterday
              afternoon.  The negress wielded a sharp knife and
              stabbed the child in the back.  The little fellow,
              with one or two companions, were coming from school
              at 2 o'clock when they met the girl and, it is said
              brushed near or against her.  This maddened the 
              girl and, it is said, she kicked the boy off the 
              sidewalk.  He attempted to resent the insult in his
              feeble way, when the negress whipped out a knife 
              and stabbed him.  The girl ran away, but subsequen-
              tly was arrested by Officers Smith and Ragan and 
              locked up.  The little boy was taken home and the 
              wound, which was not deep or dangerous, dressed.
              The girl will be vigorously prosecuted for the out-
              rageous assault."

Dec.  4,1897  "STABBER GETS A THRASHING - Negro Girl Who Wielded
              a Knife Is Severely Whipped - Sadie Payne...will 
              have cause to remember her outrageous act.  The
              girl's mother interceded for her and it was finally
              agreed to allow the prosecution to drop provided 
              she would give the girl a sound thrashing in the 
              presence of Chief Wheeler.  The old lady was only
              too glad to square accounts this way, and yesterday
              morning laid the lash on her erring daughter until
              the chief was satisfied and called the game.  The
              little boy who was cut is getting along all right."

Aug.  9,1898  "Yesterday morning about ten o'clock, little Laura,
              the pretty four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
              C.L. Ansley, fell from a counter on the second 
              floor of her father's store on Jackson...and cut a
              deep gash on her head.  Several stitches were ne-
              cessary to close the wound, which bled profusely.
              The little girl was playfully running up and down
              the counter when she missed her footing and fell.."

May  27,1904  "Among the first cases considered by the grand jury
              ...was that charging Mr. G.T. Sullivan, Dr. G.W. 
              Barrow and a negro woman, Amanda Wilson, with the
              crime of assault with intent to murder, and the
              three parties are thus indicted.  The evidence...
              was given by Miss Olivia McLane, a young girl of
              this city, formerly employed by Sullivan...(who)
              told the story of the alleged wrong done her and of
              the subsequent abortion in which, she charged, the
              three defendants took part..."

June  3,1904  "SULLIVAN'S CASE IS PROGRESSING - J.H. Lumpkin, 
              W.A. Dodson, Blalock & Cobb, Williams & Harper rep-
              resented G.T. Sullivan; jury:  Leonard Jennings, 
              T.J. Baisden, W.S. Hagerson, J.M. Oliver, H.B. Bat-
              tle, J.R. Baty, T.M. Etheridge, Cicero Braswell, 
              R.E. Pilcher, A. Pantone, B.R. Bradley and R.A. 

June 10,1904  "Shortly after the convening of the court yester-
              day morning Judge Littlejohn passed sentence upon
              Mr. G.T. Sullivan...Four years in the state peni-

Sept 22,1907  "SCRAP A LIVELY ONE FOR A BRIEF TIME - Triangular
              Fight Occurs Here Yesterday - Messrs. Charles A.
              Schneider, his son, Herman Schneider and Herbert
              Johnson, who is employed at the marble works when
              Mr. Schneider has charge, were the principals in a
              lively fisticuff yesterday.  Herman Schneider and
              young Johnson first "mixed it up" at the marble
              plant, and soon thereafter Mr. Johnson and Mr. C.A.
              Schneider got into a fight at the postoffice.  Sev-
              eral blows passed ere the combatants were separa-
              ted, although neither of the three men were hurt to
              any extent."

May  15,1914  SGP - "ANSLEY-HALE - Miss Laura Ansley and Mr. 
              Charles M. Hale were married Tuesday evening (May
              12th) at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
              Mrs. Charles L. Ansley...Rev. J.A. Thomas officia-

Dec. 31,1914  "FUNERAL SERVICES OF MRS. E.A. SPEER - Mrs. Arman-
              tine Thomas Speer, wife of Eustace A. Speer, died,
              Monday night (Dec. 28th) after a lingering illness
              of two years' duration.  Pneumonia was the immedi-
              ate cause of her death...She is survived by her 
              husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thomas,
              one sister, Miss Isabelle Thomas and six children,
              James, Robert, William, Eustace, Francis and Eliza-
              beth Speer."

Sept 10,1919  "Miss Carrie Speer, who has sold her old home at 
              the corner of Jackson and Dr. Taylor 
              Lewis, announced today that she had bought the old 
              Smith property at the northeast corner of Lee and 
              Church...will remodel it for a home for herself and
              her aged aunt, Miss Rebecca Cowles, who lives with 

Feb. 18,1928  "Edgar Shipp has purchased the Speer property at 
              the corner of Jackson and Church...paying...$12,500
              for the entire lot which fronts 140 feet on Jackson
              ...130 feet on Church...said Miss Speer...,"My fa-
              ther built the house in 1868, the first brick house
              in Americus.  In it I was born...My father was Mos-
              es Speer, a pioneer of this that...
              house...every bishop and every visiting preacher of
              the Methodist church made his home...we once enter-
              tained there as our guest Alexander Stephens..."

Mar. 31,1928  "E.A. SPEER DIES IN ATLANTA - Americus friends of 
              Mr. Eustace Asbury Speer will regret to hear of his
              death Saturday morning (Mar. 31st) at the Davis-
              Fischer Sanitarium in Atlanta.  Mr. Speer had just
              passed his sixtieth birthday and had been in ill
              health for several months..."