Rushin-Daniel Families
of Americus, Ga. 1864 - 1899

Alan Anderson, Compiler

Oct. 22,1864  "Oct. 7th - Wounded - James A. Daniel, right leg 
Apr. 21,1866  James A. Daniel had two letters at the Post Office
Aug. 12,1870  J.A. Daniel, W.C. for Price Lodge, #14, Independent 
              Order of Good Templars
Nov.  4,1870  Jas. A. Daniel elected W.C., Jno. M. Cobb, W.R.S., 
              Price Lodge #14, I.O.G.T.
Aug. 12,1871  Price Lodge, #14, elected J.A. Daniel, W. Chap., 
              and Miss Mary Sullivan, W.D.M.
Jan. 31,1872  "Baldwin - Sheriff Sale - One house and lot in the
              city of Milledgeville formerly occupied by J.W.L. 
              Daniel, dec'd. and owned by Sue F. Daniel, and now
              occupied by Jacob Caraker, levied a fi fa founded 
              on attachment and judgment in favor of A. and W.W.
              Shumway and others, on the same.  Property pointed
              out by Plaintiff's Attorney." (Milledgeville "Fed-
              eral Union")
Feb.  2,1872  Jas. A. Daniel, W. Chap., J. McD. Cobb, W.C.T., 
              Thos. M. Cobb, W.M., Price Lodge, I.O.G.T.
Oct. 18,1872  "Mr. Editor:  Please announce the name of Mr. JAMES 
              A. DANIEL as a suitable candidate for the office of 
              Tax Receiver, for Sumter County.  Election January 
              next.  MANY VOTERS."
Jan.  3,1873  J.A. Daniel lost Tax Receiver election to J.W. 
              Mize, 560 to 658; A.C. Speer won Tax Collector 
              election with 1,282 votes
June  6,1873  James A. Daniel announced for Clerk of Superior 
              Court; "As there are other Daniels in the county we 
              will state this is the one-legged soldier.  MANY 
June 27,1873  James A. Daniel lost the election to Joseph H. 
              Allen, 280 to 400
Jan.  2,1874  A.C. Speer announced for Tax Collector and J.A. 
              Daniel for Tax Receiver
Sept 18,1874  J.A. Daniel, et. al., elected honorary members, 
              Americus Volunteer Rifles
Nov. 20,1874  "Mr. Editor - I am gratified to learn from the en-
              couraging reports which come from every section of 
              the county that the people are determined to re-
              elect our present worthy and efficient Tax Collec-
              tor, Mr. Amos C. Speer, and also that the election 
              of Mr. James A. Daniel to the office of Tax Receiver 
              is almost a foregone conclusion.  These gentlemen 
              are known to be not only worthy but entirely compe-
              tent, and each having lost a leg while gallantly 
              fighting the battles of the "Lost Cause" deserve 
              support and encouragement at our hands.  Upright, 
              honest and intelligent, they are the men for office.  
              Let us see to it good citizens of Sumter county 
              that they are both elected.  CITIZEN" 
Jan.  8,1875  James A. Daniel elected Tax Receiver with 1,135 
              votes and Amos C. Speer, Tax Collector, with 1,147 
Dec. 17,1875  Americus voters list:  J.A. Daniel
Oct.  6,1876  A.C. Speer, J.A. Daniel, et. al., organized Sumter 
              Agricultural Association
Oct. 20,1876  Sumter Grand Jury has "...thoroughly examined the 
              new digest made out by the Tax Receiver (James A. 
              Daniel) for the present year, and we hazard nothing 
              in saying that a more satisfactory showing was 
              never made in this county, in the way of a tax 
              book; it is faultless in neatness and accuracy ... 
              Too much praise can not be given our worthy Tax Re-
              ceiver for the manner in which he has discharged 
              his duty..." 
Dec. 15,1876  Americus voters list:  J.W. Cobb, W.H. Cobb, J.M. 
              Cobb, R.E. Cobb, James A. Daniel
Jan.  5,1877  J.A. Daniel beat A.B. Raiford, 2,301 to 215; A.C. 
              Speer beat S.E. Glover, 1,541 to 1,002
Mar. 30,1877  Jno. V. Price Lodge, United Friends of Temperance, 
              organized by James A. Daniel, D.G.W.P., Mrs. John 
              M. Cobb, W.A., and John M. Cobb, W.S.
June  8,1877  Jno. V. Price Lodge of Good Templars organized, 
              Mrs. J.M. Cobb, W.V.T., J.A. Daniel, W. Chaplain
Jan. 10,1879  A.C. Speer lost Tax Collector's election to Hop
              Glover, 1,049 to 1,141, Jan. 1st; J.A. Daniel re-
              elected Tax Receiver over J.H. Nelms, 1,920 to 325
May  23,1879  "Mr. James A. Daniel, County Tax Receiver, reported 
              an outbreak of cattle disease in East Americus in 
              which "...(h)e had a fine steer suffering from the 
              plague, and one of his neighbors had lost a cow."
June 25,1880  "The following named pupils have been awarded pri-
              zes for studiousness and good behavior, during the 
              term just ended, at the Public School:  Second 
              Primary - Miss Bettie Daniel"
Sept 16,1881  "Misses Leila Godwin and Annie Daniel, two of Eu-
              faula's fair maidens, who have been spending a few 
              days in our city, returned home last Friday.  Some 
              of the boys are now inquiring the price of rail-
              road tickets from Americus to Eufaula."
Feb. 17,1882  "Tax Receiver James A. Daniel was elected in 1875 
              to the position he now holds, and we feel that we 
              can with safety, say that he will hold his office 
              as long as he wishes to, because gratitude is a 
              virtue with us, for the leg left upon the battle 
              field in front of Richmond will ever prove his de-
              votion to a cause dear to us all.  Mr. Daniel is a 
              good officer and has ever won the approbation of 
              the community in the discharge of his official du-
Sept  8,1882  revised Traverse Jury list:  James A. Daniel 
Dec. 15,1882  "...Tax Receiver Daniel is still at the front with 
              an irreproachable record, and will command the suf-
              frage as he does the respect of all his constituen-
Sept 21,1883  J.W.L. Daniel, Assistant Secretary, Mechanics #2 
              Fire Dept.
Oct.  5,1883  "Vertigo - On Wednesday night Mr. J.A. Daniel, Re-
              ceiver of Tax Returns of Sumter county, was at-
              tacked by vertigo and fell to the floor like he was 
              shot.  For an hour or two, his family thought he 
              would die, but he is now up and able to attend his 
Oct. 12,1883  "On Wednesday night some black hearted villain went 
              into the cotton house of Mr. J.A. Daniel, Tax Re-
              ceiver, and stole five or six hundred pounds of 
              cotton.  Mr. Daniel is a one-legged man, having 
              lost a leg in the Southern army, and has done most 
              of the work on his place himself and picked his 
              cotton, using a chair, sitting in it, and dragging 
              it down the rows, as he gathered the cotton in his 
              reach.  The man who would steal from a cripple, is 
              too mean to live in a respectable community, and we 
              hope the scoundrel will be caught and be severely 
Dec. 14,1883  "Mrs. J.A. Daniel, who has been on quite an extend-
              ed visit to relatives in Montgomery, Ala., returned 
              on Sunday last, much improved in spirits and 
Oct. 10,1884  Traverse Jury list:  J.A. Daniel
May  29,1885  "Mr. John M. Cobb and wife, Miss Katie Horan, and 
              Mr. Benj. Sutter, from Montgomery, Ala., arrived in 
              the city a few days ago, and are the guests of our 
              very efficient Tax Receiver, James A. Daniel.  John 
              is one of our boys, and we are always glad to greet 
              him upon our streets.  Come again, John, you will 
              always receive a warm reception from the 
June  5,1885  "Mr. J.M. Cobb and Miss Katie Hogan, of Montgomery,
              Ala., accompanied by Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. 
              J.A. Daniel, tax receiver of Sumter county taxes."
June 24,1885  "J.W.L. Daniel is off to-night for Montgomery, 
              Ala., where he will spend a fortnight with friends 
              and relatives."
July 17,1885  "Miss Sue F. Daniel, of Milledgeville, is visiting 
              in the city at the residence of J.A. Daniel."
Sept  4,1885  "SUMTER COUNTY...COUNTY OFFICERS...Solicitor -
              L.J. Blalock...Ordinary - A.C. Speer...Tax Receiver
              - J.A. Daniel...CITY OFFICERS...Policemen - Henry 
Dec. 14,1885  Americus voters list:  J.W.L. Daniel, J.A. Daniel 
Jan. 21,1886  "Editor C.F. Giddings, of the "Dooly Vindicator", 
              is in the city, viewing the elephant."; "Miss Sue 
              F. Daniel having purchased the millinery stock of 
              Mrs. Warlick & Co., will continue business at the 
              old stand in the Barlow block..."
Apr.  1,1886  James Daniel had a letter at the Post Office
Apr. 22,1886  Grand Jury had no report on Tax Receiver due to 
              J.A. Daniel's "illness"
May  27,1886  "Tax Receiver Daniel has the registration books 
              open now..."; A.C. Speer and other county officials 
              issued a statement declaring support for John B. 
              Gordon for Governor and denying existence of a 
              "court house ring"
June 20,1886  Sue F. Daniel signed petition urging 6 o'clock clo-
              sings for businesses during the summer
July  3,1886  "A short interview with Tax Receiver Daniel yester-
              day revealed the fact that he was being worked very 
              hard.  As the time to return taxes is short every-
              body comes in at once, and his office is crowded.  
              The registration list is growing very fast.  So far 
              over seven hundred have registered, a great majori-
              ty being whites.  The colored people don't take 
              kindly to registering." 
Aug.  5,1886  list of disabled soldiers in Sumter County included 
              "J.A. Daniel, 9th Ga., Co. K, lost a leg above the 
              knee" and "Amos C. Speer, 4th Ga., Co. B, lost a 
              leg below the knee"
Aug. 19,1886  M. Speer, Sr. on Grand Jury list; J.W.L. Daniel, 
              J.A. Daniel, Moses Speer, Jr., A.C. Speer, E.C. 
              Speer, W.H. Speer, Everett Speer, T.L. Speer on 
              Traverse Jury list; "Mrs. Jane M. Cobb, well known 
              as "Aunt Jane", has had 15 children, 51 grand-
              children and 24 great - grandchildren."
Sept 21,1886  "An attempt was made either last night, or Saturday 
              night, to effect an entrance into the basement of 
              Miss Sue Daniel's millinery establishment in the 
              Barlow Block..."
Oct.  7,1886  M. Speer reelected President, Bank of Americus; due 
              to A.C. Speer's illness, Ordinary Court was post-
              poned to Oct. 9th; Everett Speer and J.W.L. Daniel 
              contributed to Charleston, S.C. earthquake relief 
Nov. 12,1886  subscriber's list of Americus YMCA:  J.W.L. Daniel, 
              M. Speer; "Judge A.C. Speer was one of the victims 
              of the inauguration.  They secured the Judge's 
              purse, which contained besides a considerable sum 
              of money, several valuable notes.  He promptly re-
              ported the loss to Police Headquarters, and late 
              the same day was handed the purse with the notes 
              intact which had been picked up in the street.  The 
              money however had vanished." 
July 13,1887  "Mr. J.A. Daniel, who received a slight stroke of 
              paralysis on Saturday last, was reported some bet-
              ter yesterday, and his friends hope that he will be 
              able to resume his duties in a week or two." 
July 17,1887  "Tax Receiver Daniel is still suffering from the 
              effects of the paralytic stroke received several 
              days ago, and while some better now, will be con-
              fined to his room for some time yet." 
July 19,1887  "John Daniel, who for a number of years has been 
              employed at Harrold, Johnson & Co.'s has given up 
              his position there and will accept a position at T. 
              Wheatley's August 1st.  In the meantime he will at-
              tend to his father's business at the court house 
              until the latter fully recovers from his recent in-
July 21,1887  obit of James Alexander Daniel; "John Daniel has 
              been appointed tax receiver until an election can 
              be ordered to fill the vacancy caused by the death 
              of his father, Mr. J.A. Daniel."; "Ordinary A.C. 
              Speer is still confined to his bed with fever."
July 26,1887  "Sumter county's tax receiver, Mr. James A. Daniel,
              died at his residence on Mayo street in Americus,
              Monday evening at 5 minutes to 8 o'clock, aged 62
              or 63 years.  He was a native of Baldwin county, 
              and married a Miss Cobb, of Americus, in 1860."
              (Milledgeville "Union Recorder")
Aug. 25,1887  "John Daniel and Luther Bell have recently joined 
              the force at T. Wheatley's stores."
Nov. 13,1887  J.W.L. Daniel elected as new member of YMCA Board 
              of Directors
Nov. 24,1887  "Miss Lila Godwin, a charming young lady of Eufau-
              la, is in the city visiting the family of the late 
              Mr. J.A. Daniel."; "A Smart Little Lady - When the 
              Tax Receiver's books of this county were sent up to 
              the Comptroller-General he sent back a very compli-
              mentary letter as to their neatness and correct-
              ness.  After Mr. J.A. Daniel's death his son took 
              charge of the books, but most of the work on them 
              was done by Miss Betty Daniel, who had assisted her 
              father in the work for several years.  Miss Betty 
              is only fourteen years old, but is one of the 
              brightest scholars in our public schools, and she 
              deserves praise for the work she so well accom-
              plished - work that would have taxed the intelli-
              gence and energy of persons much older."
Dec.  1,1887  J.W.L. Daniel appointed to Vacancies Committee of 
Dec.  7,1887  J.W.L. Daniel elected Treasurer, Americus Lyceum
Jan.  5,1888  "John Daniel is another one who would make the 
              house a musical one, bass music, too.  Another good 
              boy, but rather timid, and would be hard to cor-
Jan. 19,1888  at Leap Year Party, John Daniel wore a "lawn tie, 
              sweet, child-like smile, clean hands and new col-
Feb. 12,1888  "Mrs. R.E. Cobb, accompanied by Miss Nannie Sue 
              Daniel, went up to Oglethorpe yesterday on a visit 
              to friends and relatives."
Mar.  2,1888  "He Got Left - On Wednesday night last, someone 
              entered Mrs. J.A. Daniel's garden, from Jefferson 
              street, and made their way to the chicken coop.  
              The coop was built a little stronger than they ex-
              pected, and after pulling off a plank from the 
              fence, they found another strip on the inside, 
              which thoroughly discouraged them, and they left 
              without securing the coveted fowls."
Mar.  4,1888  J.W.L. Daniel in YMCA chorus 
Mar. 29,1888  J.W.L. Daniel on Executive Committee, Sumter Bible 
Mar. 31,1888  J.W.L. Daniel elected delegate to state YMCA con-
Apr.  8,1888  "Messrs. John Daniel and Luther Bell left yesterday 
              afternoon for Macon to attend the State YMCA Con-
May   9,1888  J.W.L. Daniel, et. al., spent the day at Anderson-
May  27,1888  J.W.L. Daniel and Miss Mervin Callaway to give vo-
              cal duet at next YMCA Lyceum at Mr. Lott Warren's 
June  3,1888  "Mr. Jno. Daniel will have charge of the singing 
              for the (YMCA) exercises."
Aug.  5,1888  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel and his sister, Miss Nannie 
              Sue, went down to Eufaula, Saturday afternoon."
Aug.  8,1888  "Eufaula Times - Mr. John W.L. Daniel and Miss 
              Nannie Sue Daniel, of Americus, are visiting in our 
              town.  We are glad they are here and hope they may 
              enjoy their visit..."
Aug. 14,1888  "Mrs. Wm. Godwin and her two children, who have 
              been visiting the family of Mrs. J.A. Daniel, 
              returned to their home in Eufaula yesterday."
Aug. 16,1888  J.W.L. Daniel, Secretary, Sumter Sunday School 
Nov. 16,1888  "A Happy Marriage - At the residence of the bride's 
              mother, Mrs. J.A. Daniel, at 8 o'clock P.M., MR. 
              C.F. GIDDINGS, and MISS NANNIE SUE DANIEL, both of 
              this city, were united in marriage last night, Rev. 
              A.B. Campbell, officiating...Miss Nannie Sue is an 
              accomplished young lady, loved and admired by all 
              who know her, while Mr. Giddings is one of the best 
              boys that ever pulled type metal.  He has been 
              foreman of the RECORDER composing rooms for more 
              than four years..." 
Jan. 10,1889  John Daniel, Assistant Secretary, T. Wheatley's 
              Volunteers (fire company)
Jan. 17,1889  "Mr. J.A. Cobb, an old resident of Americus, has 
              taken out both State and city auctioneer's license, 
              and is now prepared to serve those desiring any-
              thing sold.  He is a reliable gentleman, prompt in 
              making returns and a competent auctioneer..."; "Mr. 
              J.W.L. Daniel went down to Eufaula yesterday to 
              witness the marriage of Miss Lila Godwin to Mr. 
              O'Brien, of that city."
Jan. 24,1889  "Miss Bettie Daniel, after an absence of several 
              days from her accustomed place at the bargain store, 
              has returned." 
Apr. 26,1889  Jno. W.L. Daniel, Secretary, Sunday School Associ-
May  15,1889  J.W.L. Daniel elected Secretary-Treasurer of new 
              Pearl Steam Laundry on Hampton St.
June  2,1889  "...Mr. J.W.L. Daniel...added materially to the 
              evening's entertainment..." at Mrs. G.B. Lamar's 
              musicale at the Americus Social and Athletic Club
Nov. 22,1889  Thornton Wheatley, John W.L. Daniel and J.C. Nich-
              olson took oath of office as new police commission-
Dec.  5,1889  South Georgia Methodist Conference ministers and 
              their hosts: R.E. Cobb's, East Americus - W.J. 
              Flanders, J.G. Harrison, J.S. Lewis, H. Stubbs; 
              Mrs. Jas. Daniel's, East Americus - E.J. Harvey, 
              F.W. Flanders; Amos Speer's, West End -  W.S. Horn-
Dec.  6,1889  John W.L. Daniel elected Secretary, Americus Board 
              of Police Commissioners
Dec.  8,1889  "Messrs. John W.L. Daniel and Luther C. Bell left 
              last evening on a short trip to Eufaula."
Feb.  5,1890  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel is confined to his home by an 
              attack of fever."
Feb. 11,1890  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel who has been confined to his 
              home for two weeks with LaGrippe, has recovered 
              sufficiently to be about again."
Mar. 14,1890  "Mr. Ralph Chase yesterday purchased of Messrs. 
              John W.L. Daniel and Ben Mayo, three acres of pro-
              perty in East Americus.  The purchase price was 
Mar. 21,1890  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel yesterday sold his residence 
              on Mayo street and several acres of ground surroun-
              ding it to Mr. Ralph Chase.  The price paid was 
              $1,300.  Mr. Daniel also sold to Mr. John T. Argo, 
              one acre of land on Mayo street, for $500.  Mr. 
              Argo sold to Mr. Daniel a lot on Church street for 
              $700.  Mr. Daniel will erect a residence upon this 
Mar. 22,1890  at the opening of the Commercial Bazaar at Glover's 
              Opera House, the Macon Telegraph was represented by 
              "Miss Bettie Daniel in a costume of pure white with 
              a pleating of the paper on bottom of the skirt, 
              headed with a band with "Telegraph" in large let-
Mar. 23,1890  "Real Estate Transfers - Teresa A. Daniel to Ralph
              H. Chase, house and lot on Mayo street; considera-
              tion $1300." 
Mar. 30,1890  "Real Estate Transfers - John T. Argo to Mrs. Teresa 
              A. Daniel, lot on Church street; consideration $750."
Apr.  4,1890  "A new street is being opened through the property 
              recently sold by J.W.L. Daniel in East Americus.";
              Teresa A. Daniel to John T. Argo, one acre in East
              Americus, $500
Apr. 30,1890  "A party of ladies and gentlemen will leave this 
              morning for Dead Lake, 14 miles northeast of Ameri-
              cus where they will spend the day fishing and re-
              turn on Thursday morning.  The following consti-
              tutes the party:  Judge J.B. Pilsbury and wife, 
              Col. L.J. Blalock and wife, W.D. Smith, S.D. Cobb 
              and wife, J.W. Cobb and wife, Miss Eva Giddings, 
              Miss Bessie Daniel, Miss Bettie Daniel, Mrs. P. 
              Smith, J.E. Egbert Allen, Tom Sullivan and Capt. 
              T.J. Brannon."
May  16,1890  J.W.L. Daniel, 2 story residence, Church St., 
              $1,700; A.C. Speer, 1 story residence, Forsyth St., 
June 18,1890  "Miss Bettie Daniel has accepted the position of 
              cashier at Mr. Thornton Wheatley's store." 
June 20,1890  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel will move into his new Church 
              street residence."
July 31,1890  "Miss Annie Daniel is here from Eufaula, on a visit 
              to Mrs. J.A. Daniel."; "Miss Annie Daniel, of Eu-
              faula, is visiting at the home of Mr. John W.L. 
              Daniel, on Church street."; "Mr. John T. Argo has 
              sold eight vacant lots on Mayo street, in East 
              Americus, the whole being a part of the Daniel pro-
              perty purchased some time since by him..." 
Aug.  9,1890  "Miss Annie Daniel left yesterday for her home at 
              Eufaula, Ala. after a pleasant visit to the family 
              of Mrs. J.A. Daniel, in this city."; "Miss Annie 
              Daniel returned to her home in Eufaula yesterday 
              after a pleasant visit of several days to her cou-
              sins, Misses Bessie and Bettie Daniel, on Church 
Aug. 26,1890  "Mr. Streetman Clarke is spending several days with 
              his friend Mr. John Daniel."
Sept 21,1890  "Messrs. John W.L. Daniel and Streetman Clarke will 
              leave today for Atlanta, where they will spend sev-
              eral days."
Oct. 10,1890  marriage of William C. Sullivan and Miss Bettie 
Nov.  9,1890  "Mrs. S.A. Wallace, of Gainesville, is visiting 
              Mrs. Daniel on Church street."
Nov. 16,1890  "Mrs. S.A. Wallace, of Gainesville, who has been 
              visiting at the residence of Mr. John W. Daniel 
              returned home yesterday..."
Nov. 27,1890  J.W.L. Daniel, et. al., on citizens committee advo-
              cating primary municipal elections 
Dec. 16,1890  Americus voters list:  T.M. Cobb, Jos. A. Cobb, 
              J.W.L. Daniel, A.C. Speer, W.H. Speer, W.C. Sulli-
Dec. 28,1890  ""The Club" met at the hospitable residence of 
              Major Speer on Friday night, and enjoyed one of the 
              most delightful meetings ever experienced by this 
              highly cultured organization...Vocal duet - Miss 
              Granberry and Mr. John Daniel..." 
Jan. 30,1891  at cornerstone ceremony for new city hall, L.J. 
              Blalock, J.W. Cobb and J.E. Sullivan participated 
              in Masonic rituals and John W.L. Daniel sang tenor 
              in the choir
Apr. 28,1891  during Memorial Day services "...came a carriage 
              containing four of our veterans who suffered seri-
              ous wounds in fighting for their country, and who 
              were given places of special honor.  These four 
              were A.C. Speer, M.J. Bass, J.W. Harris and J.H. 
Apr. 29,1891  J.W.L. Daniel, Lawson Stapleton, L.B. Forrest, J.B. 
              Lamar and Oscar Loving initiated into Sumter Coun-
              cil Royal Arcanum 
May  19,1891  J.E. Sullivan & Son, Geo. T. Sullivan, J.W.L. Daniel, 
              A.C. Speer, W.H. Speer, M. Speer, jr., et. al., 
              signed petition calling for meeting to organize a 
              Board of Trade
May  28,1891  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel leaves today for Gainesville, 
              where he will take a needed rest of a week or two 
              among the mountains."
June 10,1891  "Mr. J.W.L. Daniel, the popular police commissioner, 
              has returned home to Americus, after a pleasant 
              stay of several weeks with relatives at Gainesville, 
              Ga.  He reports a most pleasant time and came home 
              very much improved by his stay among the mountains." 
June 12,1891  announcement of annual Sunday School Association 
              meeting by Secretary J.W.L. Daniel
July  3,1891  J.W.L. Daniel did not attend June 19th Sunday 
              School meeting, "...owing to (his) absence...from 
              the state..." 
Sept  6,1891  list of new "Young Men's Democratic Club of Sumter 
              county" included:  C.F. Giddings, J.W.L. Daniel, 
              T.M. Cobb, G.S. Cobb, R.L. Sullivan, et. al.
Oct. 30,1891  "Messrs. John Daniel, Dorsey Butler, and John Shi-
              ver returned from Eufaula yesterday." 
Dec. 15,1891  Americus voters list:  T.M. Cobb, Jos. A. Cobb, 
              J.W.L. Daniel, W.H. Speer
Mar.  2,1892  "Tuesday morning a small party of friends gathered 
              at the residence of Mr. John W.L. Daniel to witness 
              the marriage of Miss Bessie Daniel to Mr. J.H. 
              Curtright.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.B. 
              Campbell.  After receiving many warm congratula-
              tions, the bridal couple took the west bound Cen-
              tral train for an extended tour through Alabama and 
              Tennessee.  The bride is a very attractive and much 
              admired young lady, and a host of friends joined 
              yesterday in wishing her bon voyage on her matri-
              monial trip.  The groom is a popular Atlanta tra-
              veling salesman."
June 21,1892  "Cobb & Daniel, the new shoe firm, are moving into 
              their handsome store in the Windsor.  The firm is 
              composed of William A. Cobb, of Columbus, and Mr. 
              John Daniel of this city.  Mr. Cobb will not arrive 
              in Americus until next fall." 
June 30,1892  "Americus' new shoe store, that of Cobb and Daniel, 
              is about ready for business.  It is in the Windsor 
              block, and will be one of the prettiest establish-
              ments of the kind in the state.  Everybody knows 
              John Daniel and his record as a businessman is un-
              surpassed.  Americus is filled with his friends, 
              who will be glad to give him their trade.  The 
              senior member...Wm. A. Cobb, has made (unreadable) 
              than almost anyone, simply by strict integrity and 
July 31,1892  "Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Curtright, of Atlanta, are vis-
              iting at Mr. J.W. Daniel." 
Aug.  3,1892  updated democratic list:  John W.L. Daniel
Oct. 12,1892  "Mr. William Cobb, a former resident of Americus 
              but now residing on his plantation near Columbus, 
              has been in the city for the past day or two look-
              ing after business matters.  Mr. Cobb is senior 
              member of the shoe firm of Cobb & Daniel..."
Jan.  8,1893  ticket buyers for Heywood's Celebrities:  J.W.L. 
              Daniel, 2; A.C. Speer, 1
Jan. 12,1893  "Cobb & Daniel, the shoe men in the Windsor block, 
              have leased the store formerly occupied by Allison 
              & Aycock, and will remove the large stock to their 
              new quarters at once.  They found their present 
              store rather small for their rapidly increasing 
              business and the change to larger and more commod-
              ious quarters was thereby rendered necessary." 
May  10.1893  "Cobb & Daniel, the shoe men, come to the front 
              this morning with a few plain statements about the 
              shoe business that cannot be refuted.  They are the 
              only exclusive shoe dealers in Americus, and their 
              stock cannot be excelled in any city in the state."
May  12,1893  John W.L. Daniel, et. al., gave talk on proposed 
              cotton factory
June 18,1893  "Col. Charles Daniel, a prominent lawyer of Eufaula, 
              and cousin Mr. John W.L. Daniel, of this city, was 
              among the visitors here yesterday..."
Aug. 20,1893  J.W. Daniel played center field for the "Leans" 
              baseball team opposite John Windsor for the "Fats"
Nov.  2,1893  potential candidates for city aldermen included 
              "Messrs. W.F. Clarke, J.F. Markett, T.N. Hawkes, 
              A.T. Oliver, T. Wheatley, Dr. E.T. Mathis, C.A. 
              Fricker, A.E. Sherlock, Capt. P.C. Clegg, J. Henry 
              Freeman and J.W.L. Daniel"
Feb. 14,1894  "Mrs. J.H. Curtright, who has been spending 
              several weeks at the home of her brother, John W.L. 
              Daniel, returned to Atlanta yesterday." 
Feb. 27,1894  Messrs. Lane and (J.W.L.) Daniel to give a vocal 
              duet at "The Club" meeting at Frank Lanier's
June 1,1894   "Mrs. Teresa Daniel left yesterday for Atlanta, 
              where she will visit relatives for a few days."
June 10,1894  "ugly man contest" entries and votes:  Rev. T.M. 
              Christian 61, George W. Bacot 30, Gus Harris 31, 
              DeLacy Law 27, J.W. Hightower 9, Callie Speer 13, 
              Jim Semmes 1, Captain Cobb 1, John Daniel 1
Aug. 19,1894  "Mrs. Teresa Daniel returned home yesterday from a 
              visit to relatives and friends in Atlanta."
Nov.  4,1894  27th District registered voters list:  Joseph A. 
              Cobb, W.A. Cobb, T.M. Cobb, G.S. Cobb, J.W. Cobb, 
              Sam D. Cobb, J.W.L. Daniel, C.F. Giddings, Dixon 
              Speer, M. Speer, W.H. Speer, C.A. Schneider, G.T. 
              Sullivan, Jno. E. Sullivan, A.C. Speer, M. Speer, 
              Jr., David Speer, W.C. Sullivan
Nov. 21,1894  J.W.L. Daniel and W.T. Lane gave a vocal duet at 
              meeting of "The Club"
Nov. 22,1894  "While loading a pistol at his home on Forsyth 
              street yesterday, Will Sullivan accidentally fired 
              the weapon, the ball passing within a foot of Mrs. 
              Sullivan, who was standing near.  Mr. Sullivan was 
              loading the revolver for his wife as a protection 
              during his absence from the city."
Jan. 28,1895  Americus Choral Union organized with C.F. Giddings, 
              secretary and J.W.L. Daniel, assistant leader
Mar. 22,1895  "Mrs. Alice Cobb arrived yesterday from Oglethorpe 
              on a visit of some length to relatives and friends.  
              She is at present at the home of Mr. John Daniel, 
              Church street."
Mar. 24,1895  "The well known shoe house of Cobb & Daniel in the 
              Windsor Hotel block was closed last night upon 
              foreclosure of mortgage aggregating about $4,000.  
              Dull trade and poor collections caused the suspen-
              sion though the assets, in all probability, will 
              exceed liabilities considerably.  These popular 
              gentlemen have the sympathy of everyone in their 
Mar. 26,1895  "The closing of Cobb & Daniel's shoe store Saturday 
              was in the nature of a surprise to the many friends 
              of those estimable gentlemen and who express the 
              deepest regret at their misfortune.  Their stock of 
              $10,000 will cover all liabilities, while accounts 
              due the firm will foot up $6,000 additional.  
              Inability to collect these claims brought about the 
              trouble, and while many of the creditors of the 
              house, knowing the high standing and integrity of 
              both Messrs. Cobb and Daniel have expressed a 
              perfect willingness to extend their claims until 
              fall and allow them to resume business, it is 
              hardly probable that this will be done."
Mar. 29,1895  "Callie Speer is the possessor of a pair of duel-
              ling pistols that might have done fearful execution 
              long years ago."; "Messrs. Cobb & Daniel have com-
              pleted the task of taking stock, the footings 
              amounting to about $10,000.  It is understood that 
              nearly if not all the creditors are anxious that 
              the firm resume business, cheerfully consenting to 
              carry over their claims until fall or even longer 
              if necessary.  Such confidence, while well merited 
              is nevertheless a compliment to the integrity of 
              Messrs. Cobb & Daniel, and whle they have not yet 
              determined to accept the generous offer their 
              friends hope to see them resume business at an 
              early date."
Apr.  2,1895  "James Dodson & Son, as attorneys for various 
              creditors of Cobb & Daniel who failed recently, 
              have filed a petition for injunction and the 
              appointment of a receiver to take charge of the 
              assets of the firm..."
Apr. 14,1895  "In chambers yesterday Judge Fish heard the 
              petition of creditors of Cobb & Daniel for the 
              appointment of a receiver to take charge and sell 
              the stock of shoes and hats of that firm, recently 
              assigned.  Mr. John Windsor was appointed receiver, 
              and the 23rd inst. named as the date of the sale."
Apr. 16,1895  "All who are willing to call and settle their 
              accounts with Cobb & Daniel without troubling us to 
              hunt them up or to being worried by an attorney 
              will please do so.  Mr. W.A. Cobb can be found at 
              the old stand ready to make settlements."
Apr. 17,1895  "Capt. Wm. A. Cobb left yesterday for Macon on a 
              short business trip."
Apr. 18,1895  "...the Epworth League of St. Paul's church will 
              give an entertainment tonight at the residence of 
              C.F. Giddings."; receiver's sale notice for Cobb & 
              Daniel's "...having been in business only two years 
              and eight months..."
Apr. 26,1895  J.W.L. Daniel, "who is familiar with the stock", 
              helped receiver's sale of Cobb & Daniel shoe store; 
              "High commendation was heard yesterday of the music 
              at the Baptist church on Sunday.  The solos by... 
              Messrs. M. Callaway and J.W.L. Daniel in the even-
              ing were specially admirable."
June  4,1895  "Despite the very oppressive weather Sunday there 
              was a good congregation at each of the churches.  
              At the Baptist the ordinance of Baptism was 
              administered to one person in the evening.  The 
              music on both occasions was excellent.  In the 
              morning the voluntary, "Sweet and Low", rendered by 
              Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Giddings and Messrs. Daniel 
              and Callaway was spirited and beautiful...In the 
              evening, the beautiful piece, "Only a Beam of 
              Sunshine", was happily rendered by Mrs. Emmett 
              Murray and Messrs. Callaway, Daniel, and G.D. 
              Wheatley, while the offertory, "Oh! Morning Land", 
              by Mrs. Murray and Mr. Daniel was a gem of 
              beauty."; "Capt. William A. Cobb left yesterday for 
              Columbus and Chattahoochee county on a business 
              trip of a few days." 
June 12,1895  J.E. Bivins, L.B. Forrest, J.W.L. Daniel, C.C. 
              Clay, J.C. Nicholson and J.W. Furlow pallbearers at 
              funeral of Americus police chief, Capt. John B. 
              Lamar, aged 40, a suicide, in Montezuma
June 15,1895  "Capt. W.A. Cobb returned yesterday from his 
              plantation home in Chattahoochee county, where he 
              has been for the past two weeks."
July 28,1895  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel has been tendered a 
              desireable position by one of the leading shoe 
              houses of Savannah, and will probably leave in a 
              day or two for that city.  Americus will greatly 
              regret to lose this estimable young man."
July 31,1895  "Several days ago it was stated that Mr. John 
              Daniel would accept a position with a leading shoe 
              house in Savannah.  Owing to the illness of his 
              mother, however, he has been compelled to decline 
              the offer and will remain in Americus."
Aug. 16,1895  "After a rest of several weeks Mr. John W.L. Daniel 
              will again resume his duties at Allen, Clegg & 
              Co's. tomorrow.  There is no more deservedly 
              popular young business man in Americus than Mr. 
Oct. 27,1895  "Mrs. Bessie Daniel Curtright arrived yesterday 
              from Atlanta upon a visit of some length to 
              relatives here."
Nov.  3,1895  "His Condition Very Critical - Mr. J.H. Curtright, 
              of Atlanta, who is here upon a visit at the home of 
              his brother-in-law, Mr. John W.L. Daniel, is 
              critically ill with pneumonia and slight hope is 
              entertained for his recovery.  Last night his 
              condition was extremely critical, and it was not 
              thought he could survive until morning."
Nov.  5,1895  "Death of J.H. Curtright - After an illness of a 
              week with pneumonia, Mr. J.H. Curtright passed away 
              shortly before the hour of midnight Saturday at the 
              home of his brother-in-law, Mr. John W.L. Daniel, 
              on Church...devoted wife and little child... 
              funeral...held at Oak Grove cemetery at 10 o'clock 
              Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. John B. Turpin of 
              the Baptist church."
Nov.  6,1895  "Mr. W.H. Speer to Take Charge - At a meeting yes-
              terday of the council committee on water and sewer-
              age, Mr. Henry Speer was appointed to take charge 
              of that department until the annual election in 
              January, at which time council will elect a succes-
              sor to City Engineer G.M. Eldridge, resigned." 
Nov. 22,1895  "Death of Mrs. T.A. Daniel"
Dec.  1,1895  "Judge J.N. Scarborough has leased the home of Mr. 
              John W.L. Daniel, on Church street, and will make 
              his residence there tomorrow.  Mr. Daniel will 
              reside with the family of Mr. W.H. Speer for the 
Feb. 15,1896  Sumter Grand Jury list:  W.A. Cobb, J.W.L. Daniel
May  27,1896  Grand Jury list:  W.A. Cobb, J.W.L. Daniel
July 24,1896  "John Daniel left yesterday for New Orleans.  A 
              tinge of romance surrounds his visit there, and the 
              result will be awaited with much interest by his
              friends at home."
July 25,1896  Democratic primary for Ordinary:  A.C. Speer 600, 
              C.S.S. Horne 432, Marion Sims 400
July 26,1896  "Capt. Wm. A. Cobb left yesterday for Chattahoochee 
              county, where he goes to look after his farming 
July 30,1896  "John Daniel is still in New Orleans, and from 
              newspaper notices is having a swell time.  A tally-
              ho party was tendered him a day or two since, and 
              in various ways is his stay in the Crescent City 
              rendered most agreeable."
July 31,1896  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel, a prominent and progressive 
              business gentleman of Americus, Ga., is the welcome 
              guest of Capt. M. Nall's family, No. 1533 Erato 
              street.  - New Orleans Times-Democrat."
Aug.  4,1896  "...council discussed the petition of C.W. Under-
              wood for permission to transfer his liquor license 
              from Watts' corner to Chapman's old stand.  A peti-
              tion from Mrs. Curtright, asking that Underwood's 
              petition be refused, was read.  It was stated, how-
              ever, that Mrs. Curtright would not insist upon her 
              petition provided a fence be built which would shut 
              off the view of the saloon from the rear window of 
              her store.  This was agreed to..."; "John Daniel 
              returned yesterday from New Orleans - alone.  But 
              he is in love with the old town and "most everybody" 
              in it, and may go again at an early date."
Sept 24,1896  R.J. Perry, J.C. Nicholson, J.E. Bivins and John 
              W.L. Daniel, police commissioners, published a 
              resolution of respect dedicated to Maj. C.A. 
Oct. 30,1896  "Accompanied by his friend, Mr. John W.L. Daniel, 
              Mr. Emmett Bolton left yesterday for Columbia, 
              Ala., where he will wed Miss Cora Blackwell this 
Feb. 27,1897  "John Daniel has invested $13.83 in a ticket to New 
              Orleans, and would have his friends believe that he 
              is going to Mardi Gras only.  What base deception, 
              to be sure."; at the Baptist Church, "Mr. John 
              Daniel sang a very sweet solo..."
Mar.  6,1897  "John Daniel returned, alone, from New Orleans yes-
              terday, after a very blissful visit of a week to 
              friends there." 
Apr.  4,1897  "Mrs. Bessie Curtright informs the ladies that she 
              will have her millinery opening on Wednesday next, 
              7th, and invites them to come and inspect her 
              pretty goods."
Apr.  7,1897  W.A. Cobb elected adjutant and G.H. Seig, treasur-
              er, Camp Sumter 642, United Confederate Veterans
May  13,1897  article on the 68th birthday of Judge Ben M. 
              Wheeler, first white person born in Sumter County; 
              "Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamilton, of New Orleans, 
              are stopping at the home of Mr. J.W.L. Daniel.  
              They will probably make their home in Americus."
May  21,1897  T.L. Speer on Traverse Jury list; Mrs. Bessie D. 
              Curtright, et. al., merchants agreeing to 6:00 p.m. 
              early closing during the summer; "...J.C. Nicholson 
              thought the city should by all means purchase the 
              park (on the east side of The Windsor), and J.W.L. 
              Daniel coincided in this opinion..."
Aug. 11,1897  "Mr. J.W.L. Daniel returned yesterday from a few 
              days visit to Tybee."
Nov.  9,1897  "John Daniel went out yesterday and took the dimen-
              sions of Col. Blalock's prize hog, the largest ever 
              raised in Sumter..."; "Mrs. W.H. Speer and Mrs. 
              C.F. Giddings have developed into French artists 
              when it comes to making candy.  They have contribu-
              ted a lot of delicious bonbons of various mixtures 
              to the (Baptist) bazaar, and all in attendance will 
              avail themselves of the opportunity to sample these 
              delicious sweets." 
Jan.  7,1898  Judge Speer issued 285 marriage licenses in 1897; 
              Henry Speer reappointed assistant waterworks super-
              intendent; "At the monthly meeting of the police 
              commissioners yesterday, Commissioner J.W.L. Daniel 
              was again elected a member for another term of six 
              years, having served seven years already."
Feb. 11,1898  "Election Notice - On the first Tuesday in March 
              1898 an election will be held for a chief of po-
              lice, a lieutenant of police and five policeman to 
              serve two years.  All applicants are required to 
              make application in writing and file same with 
              J.W.L. Daniel, secretary of board.  By order of 
              board of police commissioners of the city of 
              Americus.  J.W.L. DANIEL, Secty."
July 13,1898  "C.A. Fricker, J.A. Perry and J.W.L. Daniel repre-
              senting police commissioners, came before (city) 
              council recommending...improvements in the police 
Dec. 13,1898  Americus voters list:  Jos. A. Cobb, J.W. Cobb, 
              W.A. Cobb, J.W.L. Daniel, A.C. Speer
Apr. 28,1899  "...anthem rendered by Messrs. Loving, Morgan, 
              Daniel and Payne" at Confederate memorial service 
              at Oak Grove Cemetery, with Lucien L. Knight the 
              featured speaker
May   5,1899  J.W.L. Daniel on Grand Jury list
Aug.  9,1899  "Mr. Henry Speer, who has been seriously ill with a 
              severe throat affection for some time, does not 
              improve at all and some fear as to his recovery is 
              now entertained."
Aug. 10,1899  "There was but little change yesterday in the con-
              dition of Mr. Henry Speer.  He is extremely ill 
              from a throat affection and it is feared that he 
              can hardly recover."
Aug. 11,1899  Mrs. Bessie Curtright foiled a robbery attempt at 
              her millinery store
Aug. 15,1899  "The condition of Mr. Henry Speer, who for several 
              weeks has been suffering from a very severe throat 
              trouble, is now regarded as critical.  It is feared 
              that he can survive only a few days longer."
Aug. 16,1899  obit of William Henry Speer
Aug. 17,1899  "Funeral of W. Henry Speer - The funeral services 
              of Mr. W.H. Speer were conducted from his late res-
              idence on Forsyth street at 9:30 o'clock yesterday 
              morning by Rev. Sam C. Dean, pastor of First Bap-
              tist church.  Many sorrowing friends followed the 
              body to its final resting place in Oak Grove ceme-
Aug. 23,1899  at city council meeting "...Mayor Hixon called for 
              an expression from the body as to the death of the 
              late assistant superintendent of water works, W.H. 
              Speer.  On motion of Alderman Watts, a committee of 
              three, consisting of Aldermen Watts, Stallings and 
              Oliver, was appointed by the mayor to draft suita-
              ble resolutions and present to council at next 
Aug. 28,1899  "At the meeting of the city council last night 
              David Speer was elected assistant superintendent of 
              waterworks to succeed his brother, the late W.H. 
              Speer.  The position pays $600..."
Aug. 30,1899  published commemorative resolution by city council 
              on death of W.H. Speer
Sept 19,1899  "Removes Beyond City Limits - Judge Speer Will Take 
              a Home in The Suburbs - Judge A.C. Speer, of the 
              Court of Ordinary, has sold his residence on For-
              syth street, two blocks east of the courthouse, and 
              will in future reside beyond the city limits at a 
              place just west of Muckalee turnpike on the road to 
              Plains.  The distance is a trifle great, but the 
              Judge will show up at his office every day just the 
Sept 24,1899  "To Establish New Business - Forsyth street is to 
              have another retail store and at once.  Mr. J.W.L. 
              Daniel, an experienced shoe and dry goods man, has 
              secured the store next the Planters warehouse and 
              will open this week a well selected stock of fine 
              shoes, dry goods and notions.  Mr. Daniel is well 
              and favorably known throughout this section, and 
              hundreds of friends will wish him deserved success 
              in this new departure."
Sept 28,1899  "A large show window is being put in at J.W.L. 
              Daniel's shoe store on Forsyth street and the in-
              terior very much improved.  He will be ready for 
              business within a week."
Nov. 24,1899  W.A. Cobb on Grand Jury list; "At 8 o'clock last 
              evening at the home of the bride on Forsyth street, 
              Mrs. Bessie Daniel Curtright and Mr. John Kleckley 
              were united in marriage..."; "Judge A.C. Speer is 
              not going to the Paris Exposition.  It is true he 
              is coining money by issuing marriage licenses now 
              but Paris, he says, is too far from base."
Dec.  3,1899  "Mr. John W.L. Daniel will remove tomorrow to his 
              new stand on Lamar street, having leased the place 
              so long occupied by Mrs. Bessie Curtright as a 
              millinery store."
Dec.  5,18J9  "Mrs. Bessie Kleckley will retain a portion of the 
              store now occupied by her and continue the milli-
              nery business there, while Mr. John Daniel will 
              have the other part as a shoe store."
Dec. 12,1899  registered voters of Americus:  Joseph A. Cobb, 
              Thos. M. Cobb, W.A. Cobb, J.W. Cobb, A.C. Speer 
              Feb.  6,1940  J.H. Rushin, et. al., honorary pallbearers at 
              funeral of Tom Matt Cox, died Feb. 5th, aged 58